A shamanic view of Death & dying

January 11-12 and February 22-23, 2024

A Shamanic View of Death & Dying—This is an advanced class limited to 6 persons. One of the traditional roles of a shaman was to prepare the dying person for a good death, escort the souls of the deceased to their ancestors, and to help those grieving left behind. By doing psychopomp work, a shamanic practitioner can heal those who have passed and help suffering souls to be at peace. This workshop will teach about helping people in the dying process, connecting with compassionate spirits to do psychopomp, helping spirits of the departed after death, and experiencing your own beautiful death. Individual, as well as group psychopomp will be presented. Initiation and ceremony will anchor your learning. Prerequisite: Soul Retrieval. Suggested Reading: Walking In Light by Sandra Ingerman.

The class will be taught online via ZOOM.

$400 per person, $200 to repeat the class. 9am-4pm each day. Attendance at all sessions is required.

Register here or contact Judy at info@judyramsey.net.