The voices of experience
I asked Judy to help me with problems concerning the health of George, a cat I had recently rescued. Judy quickly picked up on George’s essence – his sweet, loving nature, and his willingness to communicate. By communicating with George, Judy was able to share with me why he had experienced lethargy. loss of appetite and physical discomfort, and how I might help. The peace, well-being and feelings of emotional closeness to George that I experienced as a result of Judy’s communication facilitation were enormous. The ability to communicate with an animal I love has been the best gift of my life. Thank you, Judy. George and I will always be grateful.
Donna D., Delray Beach, Florida
Lucky, yellow lab, 5 years old
Lucky is a great dog but has always shown aggression towards other dogs and anxiety when meeting new people. Great with kids, not so great with male adults and dogs. We saw a video about animal communication and investigated "dog whisperers" to help Lucky. We called Judy after Lucky bit a neighbor inside our front yard, and we wanted to know how we could help him feel more relaxed and stable. Rosenda is a psychologist, I am an engineer driven by scientific methods and proof. To our surprise we didn't require an in-person visit with Judy to get in contact with Lucky, and even more surprising to us was how evident it was that Lucky felt Judy's presence, started interacting with her when she said she was going to start the communication, and when she confirmed over the phone that she was in contact with him. Like in the video we saw, it was hard to believe, but it was happening in front of our eyes. This session was not only good for Lucky but for me and my family, including the kids. I got to say some things and apologize to Lucky about some bad experiences with him when he was small. He has been showing more relaxation, more confidence and is less reactive to people walking on the street. (His behavior shift is) even more evident with other dogs walking with their owners over the sidewalks in front of our house. Rosenda and I are very happy to give our testimony of this amazing experience that has made us better parents and dog owners and helped Lucky be a more relaxed adorable dog.
Rosenda L., psychologist and Andres V., engineer South Lyon, Michigan
Sol - 16 years old
We feel so lucky to have been told about Judy and her wonderful animal communication skills. During our sessions, she has facilitated some very uplifting, funny, and insightful conversations with our rescue cat, Sol. We learned about his background before he joined our family, his age which was previously unknown, his preferences, outlook on life and his feelings towards us. In a more recent session, Judy helped us to have a very meaningful conversation with Sol about his health, end of life care, and his daily comfort. He is 16 years old, and in advanced kidney failure, so being able to feel so connected to him during this precious and fleeting time we have left is an incredible blessing. I have recommended Heart to Heart Animal Communication to all my animal-loving friends and family, and will continue to do so. Judy, thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
Alisa and Aaron B., artists, Ann Arbor, Michigan
I found Judy Ramsey through Penelope Smith’s web site a few years ago as she listed animal communicators by each state and I am so glad that I found her! Judy has provided me with wonderful insight about my dog Angel, whom I adopted four years ago! Judy is wonderful! She’s been reading for Angel and me for the past three years! Her readings teach me a lot! I am glad that Angel enjoys her readings as well. She thinks it’s fun and enjoys the session. Along with that our readings heal my heart as well! Thank you Judy for the wonderful work you do!
Jean I., IT analyst, Auburn Hills, Michigan
Most importantly, I want to thank you for talking all of us through the last year. Losing my friend, Nathan, was very difficult, but would have been so much worse if I was not convinced that he and I were on the same page concerning his last wishes. You allowed me to see things from his perspective, and that was a miracle and a blessing! As for Ms. Blue, I am amazed at how smoothly she made the transition from her family to mine! She is an amazing, courageous spirit, and I am so happy she is with me. She loves my son, Jock, as if he were one of her babies. I also have another new friend (when it rains, it pours!), a perky, goofy, two-year-old Basset boy, named Flag, who I rescued just a month after I brought Blue home. They are all good buddies, and I really am happy with the brood. I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much.
Judy G., Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
Judy is helping me to reunite with the spirit of my dog that passed last year. I'm thrilled at the prospect of being with her again. Judy is very grounded, kind, and connected throughout the process. We are so lucky to have Judy as a resource.
Sonya W. San Francisco, California
I have asked Judy to communicate with my animals several times. It always brings insight as well as suggestions for moving forward when there is a problem. I recently had Judy work with my dog and I to find a solution to our bed time routine. She was able to clearly convey how we both felt and work with both the dog and I towards a solution. Since then we are all sleeping soundly through the night without a hitch. Judy is able to listen to both the animal and the human to create understanding and solutions. It is gentle, easy and compassionate.
Rachel E., massage therapist, Ann Arbor, Michigan
When I decided to get serious about working as an animal communicator, I looked for a program that would advance my skills in a practical and structured way. I came across Penelope Smith's website and researched all of the wonderfully talented teachers. Judy was teaching a beginner's class at a convenient time and was (relatively) close to me, so I signed up.
Three years later I now know that the Universe was leading me to exactly where I needed to be. Judy's teaching style is the perfect balance between loving understanding, supportive encouragement, and constructive critique. She presents topics in a way that is easily understood and then follows up with relevant and practical exercises.
Since starting my studies with Judy I have been able to help many people and animals to live more happily together. Not only am I a better animal communicator, I am a better person from having met her. And in the process of becoming my teacher, she has also become my mentor and my friend.
Iris M., Administrator
Max and Molly
Judy Ramsey has been in my life since 2012. In the first 6 months of 2013, I had a dog and cat die from throat cancer. Judy was there to assist through this heart wrenching process. Judy also helped me with understanding the feelings of my remaining pets. I currently have 3 cats, Tina, Gladys and Aretha and a dog, Molly. Gladys and Aretha were born in West Virginia and traveled to Michigan with my brother in November of 2013. I worked with Judy to communicate with them what to expect in their new home. Judy and I also worked in preparing Tina and Molly (who lost 2 friends to throat cancer earlier in the year) for the 2 new family members. Judy has a wonderful gift and talent that she uses most graciously to help people and animals to unite and understand each other at a higher level!
Patty M., Golf course manager
Chessie and Daisy
Judy Ramsey communicated with my two cat companions over a distance of 575 miles. She accurately described their personalities--one shy, sensitive and not very focused, the other sister very assertive, outgoing and curious. They showed Judy an image of me in a sort of cocoon with one of them on either side and told her that their job is to protect and support me which requires two cats, full time.I had Judy ask them what I could do to improve the conditions of our home. Chessie asked for some green plants to improve the energy in the house and Daisy (who had some out-of-box litter problems) requested a litter box for the kitchen. Judy also described a very specific behavior of Chessie’s. She asked me if either of the cats “made the rounds” of the house on a daily basis. I had never told anyone about Chessie’s odd habit of walking around the perimeter of the living room several times each evening as I relax on the sofa. Judy explained that she is patrolling as a sentry would, checking for safe energy. I was very moved to learn about the attitudes and behaviors of my cat companions and tried to meet their requests. We now have some plants and three more litter boxes in the basement. If you want to know what your animal companions think of you and how to improve their lives I recommend that you contact Judy.
Peggy L., Retired