Whew! What a year! We’ve experienced so much loss, so many blessings, so much change and shifting that our lives remind me of a funhouse mirror.
My business partner, Rachel, and I closed our clinic just before Christmas in 2020. That ended 25 years of service together. During the quarantine I couldn’t work, so I focused on doing animal communication and shamanic healing full time. When I found I could make a living with it, I decided to change professional paths. While the quarantine was awful, it was also a blessing—I developed a new website, new classes to teach, and began to build the path that I have been following since January—full time animal communication and shamanic practice. I LOVE IT!
Classy, K’i, and Annie
Like so many of you, our losses were significant. All three horses passed, as did Noodle, our dog, Classy and I had been together for 28 years—she was 31 when she died. Born on the farm, K’i was my baby, even at age 21. She rejoined me as a spirit guide shortly after her death on 2-20-2020. Annie passed only recently—she had a courageous heart, but her legs would not hold her any longer. Noodle reincarnated as soon as he could in Stitch, who is the sunshine of our lives at a very large 11 months old. Balthazar was a sweet soul and I miss him greatly. I get sad when I look at empty pastures. This is the first spring we have not had any horses and I miss them every day.
In our orchard, I have a tiny house that looks out over the pasture. It is being developed as my office space to see clients in person for shamanic healing and the occasional emergency craniosacral session. It will hopefully be ready by mid-June.
CoVid-19 has been devastating for all of us, but both the disease and the quarantine also held a blessing to help me prioritize my life and to realize that there just isn’t time to not do what you love to do.