Welcome to the April 2023 Newsletter

On The Farm

All the flowers and buds are popping out quickly during the week of warmer weather we are having. I think they want to be sure to grasp the opportunity before it might snow again. I like seeing what comes in, because I forget where I planted things. Surprises all over the grounds. My grandmother magnolia tree is gloriously opulent in full bloom for two to three days before the next frost or late snow shower. I’ve learned to appreciate her gift while I can, even if very briefly.

Warmer evenings have given us the most beautiful sunsets of purple, fuchsia, golden salmon colors. Everyone is waking up. The swans made a nest across the lake this year, so I can’t observe them closely, but there is a goose who made her nest very close to shore. This morning, I found a family of turtles of all sizes sunning themselves on a log. Stitch is excited to be able to be in water again as we visit the lake on our evening walks.

All of nature is making itself new again. What would you like to make new in your life? in your spirit? What would you like to wake up in yourself? This is a good time to set the stage for your next growth spurt. May you be blessed in whatever direction you find yourself.

Cause of the Month


Stardust Animal Sanctuary was started in 2001, becoming a non-profit organization in 2004, to provide lifetime care to farm animals, horses, dogs and cats who were unadoptable because of special behavioral, medical or hospice needs. It was founded by Laurie Kay and Leslie SanFilippo to provide rehabilitation and care to the most hopeless and helpless animals.

According to Laurie, “A life is a life. We do not give up on them. Through love, guidance, and understanding, we provide a safe retreat for these animals. In turn, these animals teach and heal people, including me, in this process. A ripple effect occurs in which each life is beautifully touched.”

The animals who call Stardust home come to the sanctuary worn down emotionally, physically, and at risk of being euthanized or slaughtered. The Sanctuary mission states, “We are driven to rescue the ones left behind. All beings deserve to live in a safe, loving environment for the rest of their days. For 50+ rescued companion animals and those whom society labels as “food”, Stardust Animal Sanctuary is a forever home and safe haven”. Located in Richmond, Illinois, just outside of the Chicago area, the Sanctuary currently holds 65 residents, 45 of whom are farm animals and 20 are dogs. All cats are fostered.

The miracles that come out of Stardust Animal Sanctuary are due to the very hard work and relentless dedication of Laurie, Leslie and their volunteers. The Sanctuary is entirely funded by donations. If you would like to support their cause, go to https://stardustsanctuary.org.

Leading an Impeccable Life

The theme of a recent journeying circle was impeccability, which is a foundation value of shamanic practice. Oddly, this term is rarely defined for practitioners by their mentors, so the journeying circle took a deep dive to explore the concept of impeccability.

What resulted was one of the most beautiful inquiries that the group has ever done. I share the highlights in this video.

In The Bookshelf, I review Pema Chödrön’s book, How We Live is How We Die. Shamanic and Buddhist perspectives of death are very similar. Both perspectives bring us to the present moment of awareness and to joyful fulfillment of our lives. Enjoy.

The Bookshelf

Shaman elder Maggie Wahls writes that

“When one’s mortality is always a present thought we begin to see our lives with different eyes. Death becomes a friend, … a guide to what is most important right now in our lives, what we most need to do and be and say to those we love. There is no time to wait until tomorrow.” 

Wahls describes in a nutshell what Pema Chödrön teaches in this beautiful book. Being in the moment with an open heart—this is the preciousness of life here on Earth. Chödrön examines the choices we make in our lives and how that affects whether we can accept the next stage with grace and ease, whether it is a transition to another situation or a transition to death. The values and priorities of our lives will also be the values and priorities of the way we die. The patterns of our actions and beliefs will also determine how we leave this lifetime.

In her gentle, firm way, Pema Chödrön brings our attention to the patterns that we have learned through cultural survival, at times avoiding what we don’t want to look at or that which makes us fearful. Recognizing these patterns, investigating them, allowing them mindfully allows us to see the source of our fears, our hesitancies and those states of mind which keep us from complete joy in our lives and in our deaths. The fullness of life is there and there is no time like the present.

I listened to the audio version of this book as well. It’s a good one to listen or read one chapter, think about it a couple of days, and then write or draw your impressions.

Upcoming classes and workshops


Find full descriptions and costs of the classes and events on the website

Registrations are on the website except for Journey Circle. Once registered, a Zoom invitation will be sent to register to receive the meeting i.d. and passcode. If you have difficulty with a registration, please contact Judy at info@judyramsey.net. All classes and journey circles are recorded for your convenience.

April 29-30, 2023
Basic Shamanic Journeying

The shamanic journey is an easy and powerful tool used to access spiritual information. You will meet and begin to develop a relationship with a compassionate spirit or power animal who is coming forward to help you at this time in your life. The techniques will help you develop a self-directed practice of empowerment, allowing you to move safely, intentionally through the world in a balanced way.This class is a prerequisite to ongoing and more advanced shamanic studies.

9am-3pm EDT
Cost is $160, $75 for repeating students.


May 4 & 18, 2023
Journeying Circle

If you know how to do shamanic journeying, you know that it is a path of direct revelation. Come join us as we explore different aspects of our life’s path, doing healing for ourselves as well as for the world.

Zoom registration required

Contact Judy at info@JudyRamsey.net

7pm-8:30pm EDT
Cost is $25 per session or $40 per month to attend


May 6-7, 2023
Ancestors: The Power Within

Ancestors can be powerful allies in your practice, and healing our ancestral lines can help us heal ourselves and our families. Explore your heritage, deepen your connection with the grandmothers and grandfathers in ceremony, in initiation and in the shamanic journey. Prerequisite: basic journeying skills.

9am-4pm EDT
Cost is $180, $90 for repeating students


May 27-28, 2023
Basic Animal Communication

Learn how to communicate with animals telepathically the way they communicate with each other. Step by step instruction with fun exercises. Open your natural intuitive skills. 

Prerequisite: ANIMAL TALK by Penelope Smith. 

9am-5pm each day EDT
Cost is $150 per person, $75 for repeating students