Welcome to the December Newsletter

On The Farm

December is a magical month with many reasons to celebrate. Regardless of your spiritual faith, the return of the light and longer days always seems to trigger new beginnings in our lives. For me, it is a very sparkly time—I enjoy seeing the miniature rainbows on snowflakes and the glitter of the snow in the light of the barn. Clear, bitter cold makes the moon and stars shine brighter and all my senses are alert. Lights everywhere in celebration of the holidays help us all to feel lighter and more joyful. I put fairy lights everywhere this year.

December is also a time at year’s end, when we review our lives. Personally, I cannot believe it’s already December—this year was crazy fast! There are events that propelled me along so smoothly, and other things happened that made me slow down almost to a stop. At year’s end, I find that my life is full with few regrets and I am grateful.

Each one of you is a star, a point of light in my life and in my work. I thank you for your trust. I love you all.

Cause of the month

Each month, I offer information on a charitable cause that is not widely known, but is widely affecting animals and people. This month, I’d like to present Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan (RPSM). It’s where we found Stitch, who has been the light of our household for two years.

Since 2007, RPSM has been helping abandoned, surrendered and homeless animals by restoring a healthy life quality to these animals through medical help, training and placement. Since 2008, RPSM has engaged in the Correctional Companion Program, which exists in only a few states nationwide, including Michigan. The organization works with government agencies and shelters across the country in a rescue support network.

In partnership with the Coldwater Prison Complex in Coldwater, MI, RPSM places dogs with specially trained inmates who are responsible for the dog’s daily care and training. Upon completion of the program, the dogs receive a Canine Good Citizen Certificate and are available for adoption into an approved home. The goal of this program is to rehabilitate both the dogs and the inmates, so that both can re-enter society and contribute to the well being of their respective communities.

Before we could adopt, we underwent a very thorough home examination. We sent photos of the property (this was during the quarantine, so no home visits were allowed), and give an accounting of our income, our available time we would spend with the dog, and describe our skills as pet people. All information was reviewed by a panel that gave approval within a month. The organization only works with one family at a time for a given animal. Stitch was being introduced to a family when we found his photo, so we had to wait until they refused his adoption before we could be considered.

Stitch was a puppy of 3 months old when he entered the prison 10-week program for training. Adult dogs can be in the program up to 16 weeks. We picked him up when he “graduated”, fully trained in the basics. Volunteers oriented us to the training signals used by the trainers so that we could provide consistent transition to our home. While there were a few things that we had to work with, overall, it was an excellent experience. For example, for about 2 months, Stitch had separation anxiety when we were absent for more than a couple of hours. He had been living with his trainer 24/7, and understandably missed the presence of a constant caregiver. He also had to learn to go up stairs—he had been on level ground in his foster home and in prison. Good news, he ignores vertical surfaces for marking territory.

Our experience with RPSM was SO positive. All dogs are neutered and vaccinated prior to entering the program, and the training was very good. What a relief not to have to begin from scratch to potty-train. If you would like to see coverage of the organization, you can watch a video that Channel 7, WXYZ in Detroit, did of RPSM.

The Bookshelf

“…every kind of animal, including humans, is enclosed within its own unique sensory bubble, perceiving but a tiny sliver of our immense world.” Pulitzer Prize-winning science journalist, Ed Yong, presents some amazing perspectives of animal senses in his book, An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us. Most of what happens in nature is nearly invisible to humans. This book offers a sensory exploration of how each creature affects the environment we call Earth. It is a magical, exciting work that certainly will take you on the voyage that Marcel Proust describes—“The only true voyage is not to visit strange lands, but to possess other eyes.” It’s a good read that you might begin with the first big snowfall of the season—a good way to be snowed in.

SERENITY FOR THE HOLIDAYS-Cistern of Light Guided Visualization

Some years ago, my spirit guides gave me this guided journey. It has evolved over time to include some gems from Sandra Ingerman, one of my shamanic mentors. It is my gift to you for this holiday season, to give you whatever serenity you need. You don’t need to know how to journey to do this guided meditation, you only need your imagination and about 15 minutes of your time. Enjoy

Upcoming classes

Find full descriptions and costs of the classes and events on the website - https://JudyRamsey.net.

Registrations are on the website except for Journey Circle.

Once registered, a Zoom invitation will be sent to register to receive the meeting i.d. and passcode. If you have difficulty with a registration, please contact Judy at info@judyramsey.net. All classes and journey circles are recorded for your convenience.


ATTENTION: I AM INVITING A MASTER DRUM MAKER TO CONDUCT A WORKSHOP ON SEPTEMBER 2, 2023. Ool Pardi, shamanic practitioner and master drum maker, will be guiding participants to make a buffalo drum with native elements.
Cost is $250, which is quite good for these drums and instruction. I need to know how many of you would be interested in attending before I confirm the workshop.
Please contact me at info@judyramsey.net if this resonates with you. You do not have to be a shamanic practitioner to attend. Thanks.


January 5 and 19, 2023

Journeying Circle

If you know how to do shamanic journeying, you know that it is a path of direct revelation. Come join us as we explore different aspects of our life’s path, doing healing for ourselves as well as for the world. Zoom registration required—contact Judy at info@JudyRamsey.net

7pm-8:30pm EDT

Cost is $25 per session or $40 per month to attend


January 7-9, 2023

Basic Animal Communication

Learn how to communicate with animals telepathically the way they communicate with each other. Step by step instruction with fun exercises.

Open your natural intuitive skills.

Prerequisite: ANIMAL TALK by Penelope Smith.

9am-5pm each day EST

Cost is $160 per person, $75 for repeating students


January 28-29, 2023

Basic Shamanic Journeying

The shamanic journey is an easy and powerful tool used to access spiritual information. You will meet and begin to develop a relationship with a compassionate spirit or power animal who is coming forward to help you at this time in your life. The techniques will help you develop a self- directed practice of empowerment, allowing you to move safely, intentionally through the world in a balanced way.This class is a prerequisite to ongoing and more advanced shamanic studies.

9am-3pm EDT

Cost is $160, $75 for repeating students.


February 4, 2023

Shamanic Personal Safety: Creating Sacred Protected Space

Learn techniques for energy hygiene when doing shamanic work, and why it is so important.

9am-4pm EST

Cost is $80, $40 for repeating students


February 15, 2023

Shamanic Healing for Animals I

Working with animals of all species, explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a professional animal communicator who also practices shamanism.

Pre-requisite: journeying skills.

7pm-9pm EST.

Class goes for 9 weeks on Wednesdays. Ends April 12, 2023.

Cost is $360, $125 for repeating students. Nine weekly sessions on Wednesdays, 7pm-9pm


February 25, 2023

Tool Making Workshop - CERAMIC RATTLES

Under the guidance of a master potter, Eli Zemper of Curiouser Clay, make beautiful rattles for use in ceremony or for personal use as instruments. The workshop tuition covers two rattles, with opportunity to purchase additional materials. Think of your own tools or a gift you would like to give someone.

You do not need to be a shamanic practitioner to attend.

1pm-4pm EST

Cost is $70 per person

In person class held in Chelsea, Michigan