Shamanic training year
“Shamanism” describes a life practice that is anchored in the natural world. The primary intention of a practitioner is to restore balance in oneself, in others, and in the community. It is the oldest form in which humanity has sought connection with creation and healing, and is found in cultural histories worldwide. As one of Sandra Ingerman’s approved instructors, I teach shamanic practice as a grounded, practical way to approach life’s path.
The trainings bring a person into balance with body, mind and spirit, and into living their passions, their authentic life’s purpose. The new year’s exploration begins with Basic Shamanic Journeying. Journeying is the technique by which practitioners gain their knowledge and guidance, so it is a prerequisite for all trainings except Medicine For the Earth/Healing With Spiritual Light. Subsequent classes use the journeying skills to explore ways of healing oneself, one’s family and others.
The core trainings in Sandra Ingerman’s curriculum are:
Medicine For the Earth/Healing With Spiritual Light
Extraction: Illness & Healing From a Shamanic Perspective
Soul Retrieval - dates TBC
Death & Dying - dates TBC
The trainings build on skills learned in the previous class, gradually bringing students into their full experience as a practitioner. There is lots of support along the way, and these core trainings are supplemented by classes that I offer to strengthen the process and to enrich the student’s knowledge of shamanic practice and its applications:
Shamanic Personal Safety: Creating Sacred Protected Space
Shamanic Gardening: Manifesting Your Dreams
I hope you will join me in this life changing training.